Well… it’s really happening now. I can’t believe we’ve reached 29 weeks — only approx. 11 weeks to go. And, yes, I’m feeling it. I feel (and probably look) increasingly whale-like, and it’s harder to get comfortable in ordinary positions. Traveling to Los Angeles this past week really brought it home. Shuffling through the airport carrying my big purse, rolling along my suitcase, and balancing my heavy laptop on top of the case… I never felt so awkward. Add to that the fact that my maternity pants (aka trousers) tend to fall down, and you can only imagine. Crowding into the airplane seat wasn’t so much fun, either.
But everything’s going well. The little creature is squirming around. It feels a little different now, I guess because he’s getting more crowded in there. I feel all right — though hungry a lot — and am just trying to make it through the next few weeks.
Have been reading a lot lately about labor, delivery, and newborn care. We’re also trying to schedule some childbirth classes — which I guess we’d better do soon!