New life is burgeoning in the Caird universe. The picture is our little bio-dome, with tomato seedlings front and center, and other little sprouts coming up all around them. We’ll keep tending this little hatchery, then transplant to our new garden once they build up a little strength.
Meanwhile, the little human baby is still growing inside and squirming away (and hiccupping) on a regular basis. On Sunday it’ll be 38 weeks — 2 weeks from the due date. What with all the swelling and itching, I’ll be glad when he’s on the outside, but it would be nice to get moved first. We are planning to do the big stuff on Sunday. We’ll probably pick up the crib on Saturday.
The house is starting to come alive with our things. We’ve put Pamela’s favorite “New Yorker” lithograph on the mantelpiece and it’s already made it feel more like home. We’ve been tending to the plants’ needs — weeding, trimming the lemon tree, watering, etc. Our lovely new neighbors (on one side) have already introduced themselves and brought over a housewarming box of chocolates. Wonder how little Nigel (the cat) willl adjust to his new surroundings. Hard to believe, but it’s all happening.