When he got in the car, he was all excitement. “It’s a beautiful day. Should we go to the park? Should we go out to eat?” “No, honey,” I said, “I’d really rather just go home. I have some food I can fix there.” He acquiesced, and we rolled on toward Albany.
Upon arrival, he noticed that the weeds that typically grow beside the street had been trimmed. “Did you do that?” he asked. “Oh, yeah,” I scrambled. “It was no big deal. I just used the weed eater.”
I let him grab Callum, while I picked up his suitcases. They were the first to walk through the door and hear: “Surprise!!”
A few of Michael’s friends, and some work colleagues, had come over for a barbecue in honor of his birthday. It was a few days early, but it was his 40th, and some celebrating had to be done. There was beer, there were hamburgers and hot dogs, and it was sunny and beautiful. Happy Birthday, Michael!