I am pregnant. It’s funny how, with news like this, you want to wait a little while before you broadcast the word to all and sundry. And then, after you’ve waited a while, you’re not quite as bursting to tell the news as you were initially. So, once a decent interval has passed, you tell your family, and you tell people at work. But when do you tell good friends that you don’t interact with regularly? When is the right time to put it on a blog post? When is the right time to put it on your Facebook profile?
I just hadn’t gotten around to any of it, until now. This morning, Michael and I went for the big 20-week, anatomy-scan ultrasound. In the last week or so, I’ve begun feeling little kicks. Suddenly, it’s feeling a lot more real. We’re going to HAVE A BABY! (Everything is looking good, testing-wise, thank goodness.)
It’s like all of a sudden, there’s a presence with us, a little 14 oz growing little boy (yep, we have a Y chromosome), who kicks and will, come June, be a lot more present. Difficult to believe, but true!